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We offer holistic learning based in our large outdoor provision offering a wide range of nature activities following the Early Years Foundation Curriculum.
We provide a variety of all weather learning environments we can access all year round. Our resources include a mud kitchen, digger area, fire pit, story circle and a variety of willow dens & tunnels for the children to explore and investigate.

​Dance Lessons by Helen from 'Curtain Upp'
Dance Club runs on a Tuesday afternoon 1.00pm to 1.30pm
for children aged 3 and above
Helen says: "Dance is a wonderful way for children to build confidence and enhance their social skills.
It is an expression of your child’s personality and a way for them to explore who they are."

Our popular Stay & Play sessions run every Friday during term time.
Pre-booking is essential either by email or phone. Sessions cost £3.50 per week or £20 for the block of 6 weeks. Stay & Play is based outside please dress accordingly.
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