There are many ways to get involved with the Pre-school. You can give as much or as little of your time as you are able to.
The Trustees
Belton Pre-school is a registered charity (charity number 1187877) which is run by a group of Trustees. The Trustees are responsible for the overall leadership, governance and financial stability of the Pre-school and for ensuring that it complies with relevant legal regulations. As part of this, the Trustees will provide direction on the Pre-school's policies, manage and engage staff, and organise fundraising and social events. The responsibility for the implementation of the policies and the day-to-day running of the setting rests with qualified professionals, namely the Manager (Julie Hopkins) and her team of staff. The Trustees meet half-termly, unless more frequent meetings are required.
As a group, we focus a lot of our effort on fundraising to fund projects which will enhance the children’s learning opportunities and improve their environment. We are currently looking for parents/carers/friends & family to join our Fundraising sub-committee to volunteer time to help organise fundraising events. You don't need to commit to regular time just any free time you can help out would be much appreciated.
Charity Donations
As a charity, we can claim Gift Aid worth £2.50 for every £10 received. If you feel you are able to donate either a one off amount or an amount spread over the terms please download and complete a Gift Aid form and return to Julie at the Pre-school.
Donations of time and materials are always very gratefully received. Whatever contribution you think you can make and however you think you might be able to help us, we would be delighted to hear from you.
Easy Fundraising
Did you know that you could support Belton Pre-school every time that you shop online?
When you make a purchase with one of the 4,000+ participating retailers on easyfundraising, as a thank you for shopping, the retailer provides a donation for you to give to your chosen good cause. Retailers include Amazon, John Lewis and eBay.
Go to https://www.easyfundraising.org.uk/support-a-good-cause/ for more details and donate to 'Belton Pre-school Rutland.'